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Day of Prayer for Children

12 June 2012

This resource was produced by the Australia Southern Territory Mission Resource Department. Check out other resources from these guys by visiting their website HERE


29 July 2012 is for all members of The Salvation Army throughout the world set aside as ‘the annual day of prayer for children.’  This Sunday is chosen because it falls nearest to the significant date, the 30th July 1880, when The Salvation Army first began evangelical work among children in England. The theme for this year's IDOPFC is ‘Cry of My Heart’. The cry of every heart, adult or child is for God. This year we are looking at the deepest needs of every child being met by relationship with God. We will also look at how in times of trouble and in a dangerous world we can and should cry out to God on our children’s behalf



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Other prayer reosources can be found in our resoruce section of by clicking HERE