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STUMP is a fun community-focused opportunity for young adults (16-25 yr olds) to live, train and serve with the Salvo's and engage in urban mission personally. Several PUBLIC STUMPs run across the year where young people apply to come for a 5- 6 day experience. We also run tailored STUMP programs for schools and youth groups.

What happens at STUMP? You will have the chance to be hands-on with the work the Salvos are doing every day - such as helping in a community centre, visiting local residents and simply being a friend to people forgotten by the rest of society. Part of the week includes a night Streetwalk around our neighbourhood that helps us understand the needs in our communities.

You'll also receive relevant teaching and training from experienced practitioners and ministers in areas such as homelessness, mental health issues, alcohol and other drug abuse, boundaries and suicide intervention and prevention. On top of that, you'll get to witness how faith in Jesus plays a vital part in The Salvation Army's response to these issues.

Most of all, we believe that at STUMP you will encounter God and his call to justice and mission. At STUMP there are times for prayer and reflection that sustain the actions and service.