Our Connect4 Strategy

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Our Connect4 Strategy

Our “Connect4” strategy consists of 4 elements that when connecting, help people in our church point the way to experience HOPE, FREEDOM and TRANSFORMATION through Jesus.

These are celebrate, cultivate, connect and contribute


Celebrating involves our church coming together as followers of Jesus and through worship and praise celebrating who He is, what He has done, is doing and will do.

There is something inspiring about meeting with a larger group of people to celebrate God’s goodness to us and so celebrating together is an important part of our church. 


Growing in our relationship with Jesus is about developing spiritual habits. Cultivating our spiritual life is a personal responsibility yet everyone at NBC also partners with the church to further their own spiritual growth.


Connecting is about building relationships with those inside the church to build strong Christian networks as well as with those in our wider community to help point people to Jesus.


Everyone has a part to play in our church through using their gifts and talents and sharing their finances. This then creates a sense of belonging and ownership. It’s when we “contribute” that our language moves from “the church” to “my church”.