Prayer Breakfast

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One of the most exciting aspects of God is that he wants an open relationship with us. The two best ways we have of getting to know him better is through reading the Bible and prayer.

Because we believe that talking to God is vital to the christian and praying for others is an important avenue of service we  meet together on the first Saturday morning of each month (February to December) for a Prayer Breakfast.  This commences at 7.30am with a continental breakfast and then we share together in prayer from 8am-9am.

There is a roster organised for leadership of this prayer time.  Each prayer time is valuable as we share in prayer for ourselves, our church, our families, our friends, our community, the world.

If you would like to join us to pray, you are always welcome.  Maybe you're struggling with an issue that seems beyond your control, we'd love to help any way that we can. One way could be by lodging a  prayer request and letting us pray for your situation.  Send a request to us and we will certainly pray for you.